This has been circulating around the internet the past couple of days, but I just love it two much not to share.
Heres my little rant: It is not a sign of vanity to love yourself it should be encouraged. In our society too many beautiful people inside and out feel just the opposite. We need to love ourselves because it is contagious and gives other women permission to do the same. There is no one kind of beauty (although sometimes it can feel that way) and thank goodness because if everyone looked the same I would be so bored, and all of the curve loving men in the world would be seriously pissed.
I love this little clip of Eve Ensler creator of the vagina monologues*, Communicating loving ourselves in a more entertaining and succinct way than I ever could:
* if you haven't been to the Vagina Monologues it is a must see, look to see if V-Day happens in your city, because nothing makes you happier your a woman.
Unfortunately men are less attractive than they think...
Unfortunately men are less attractive than they think...
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